Monday, December 12, 2005

A Most Fated Hour

A lovely post-finals (That's right. Post. Hyphen. Finals. Eat your hearts out, procrastinators!) excursion to Disneyland yesterday. Despite yet having to do so on a third night with less than 3 hours of sleep, I had a marvelous time. Aiko's brownies helped too; herbal supplements make everything better.

I suppose I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, however. Let Ocular Disneyspecticus 2005 commence!

EDIT: It has become apparent that this post will be on the opposite end of where it was intended. You win again, Blogger.


Blogger Ravi said...


Given the choice of editing your post to say that it'll be at the bottom when you meant for it to be on the top, or just changing the time stamp so that it appeared at the top, you chose the former.

Always one step ahead, Mr. Chao. Just when I think I've figured you out...


8:32 PM  

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